Welcome to The Corinthians Help Foundation
The Corinthian Help Foundation is an initiative of some likeminded people who have a common passion and burden to assist less privileged children around them. These people, who had in the past offered assistance to children and widows in their individual capacities, especially members of the household of faith now consider it appropriate to reach out to other people in order to extend help to more children and widows.
Our Dreams
To be a haven of hope providing educational shelter for the less privileged in the household of faith and humanity, and a succorer to the widow.
Join A Good Cause
One time donation
You can give a one-time donation to CHF by cash or cheque, into the Foundation’s account.
Sponsors can also make a pledge to give some money to the Foundation on a regular basis. Such sponsors can fill our on-line pledge form and mail back to us, or send us an e-mail with details of the pledge.
‘Adopt achild ’ scheme
Our prospective partners are also encouraged to support the Foundation via the ‘Adopt a child’ scheme. Under this Plan, a sponsor will work with the Foundation to identify a child/children who will be adopted and sponsored for the full duration of an academic program.
Commemorative sponsorship
Prospective sponsors can also give to the Foundation to commemorate special events in their lives. You can choose to make a lump sum donation, or adopt a child to celebrate an achievement in your life. Memories of a special birthday, promotion or victory can be made even more special by your contribution...
Carter For A Widow
Partners can choose to sponsor a widow and be responsible for her upkeep alone or including her children. The Sponsor has a choice to remain anonymous or meet the beneficiary depending on what suits the Sponsor.